Pink Flower Bath Bouquet in Wicker Basket


Just add a one or two of these roses (or flowers) to your warm bath, relax and watch the cute little flowers dissolve right before your very eyes. Enjoy the bath water turn a colourful hue and breathe in the soothing scent. The flowers leave your skin soft, silky, and smelling wonderfully fresh. Amazingly.... they look almost like real flowers! Each bouquet is artistically arranged and beautifully presented in a gift bag or basket. 

Make bath time that little bit more special with our magnificent floral bath bouquet. Ideal for giving as a gift or just for buying as a little treat. 

This bouquet is displayed in a wicker basket, it contains nine flowers and one piece of foliage - 6 x Roses, 2 x Hyacinth and 1 x Sunflower

Measures 15cm x13cm x7cm

Ingredients: GlycerinDodecyl Sodium SulfatePolyvinyl AlcoholCocamidopropyl BetaineCocamide DEAZea Mays (Corn) StarchParfumAqua(+/- CI 19140CI 42090CI 18050CI 47005CI 16255CI 14720CI 45430


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